Types Of Drug Addiction Treatment To Consider

If you suffer from drug addiction, then you have probably had plenty of people advise you to enroll in a treatment program. This is good advice, as most people do not recover from addiction without some sort of treatment. But it is also very non-specific advice. See, there are multiple kinds of drug addiction treatment programs, and no single program is right for everyone. Spend some time considering the following types of addiction treatment programs before choosing the one that's right for you.

Harm Reduction Therapy

Programs that follow this model seek to identify the risky behavior patients are engaging in — which in this case is drug use — and replace that behavior with less harmful behaviors. Often, the treatment will begin with small steps. You will not be asked to stop using drugs entirely, but you may be asked to make safer choices when using your substance, such as not driving a car and not buying on the street. Then, you can make even smarter choices, which eventually culminate with you choosing not to use drugs entirely. Your therapist will work with you to replace drug use with a behavior like exercising, cooking, or playing an instrument — something you love that is good for you.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on helping you manage your addiction by managing the emotions and thoughts that fuel your addiction. Your therapist will work with you to identify the thoughts and feeling that trigger you to use. Then, you will slowly work on developing a different reaction to those thoughts and feelings. You'll learn to sit with them and ride them out, rather than immediately responding with drug use. Over time, you'll learn to manage them and ease them away in different ways.

Family Therapy

Many who struggle with addiction also struggle with their family life. Your family may be part of the reason you use drugs, and your relationships with family members have probably been impacted by your drug use. It can seem like an endless cycle, but family therapy seeks to break through that cycle. By starting to heal your relationships with family members, it can also thwart your drug use and teach you healthier habits over time. Sometimes family members are not all that willing to go through therapy with you, but if you can convince just one or two to attend, others will soon see the benefits and be more willing to join.

Talk to a drug addiction recovery center near you to learn more about these various treatment approaches. In the end, it is up to you which option you try.
