There are many different issues that have the potential to interfere with the relationship that you enjoy with your spouse or partner. It's advantageous always to be aware of such issues so that you can avoid them trapping you. Text messaging has a long list of benefits, including allowing you to communicate with your loved one regardless of where you are. However, it can also present some potential pitfalls when it comes to the health of your relationship. Here are some ways that you can avoid letting text messages get in the way — and, if it does, you should definitely see a marriage counselor.
Don't Let It Dominate
It's easy to allow your mobile device to dominate your life, and part of the reason is to send and read text messages. There's little denying that it can be fun to correspond with friends, family members, and colleagues by text message, but doing so with considerable frequency means that your device can get in the way of an actual relationship with someone who is physically present in your life. Texting in restaurants, while you're enjoying quality time with your significant other, and even in bed can all bother your spouse or partner and make him or her feel less important.
Don't Be Suspicious
A high degree of trust is a good thing in any relationship. When one person distrusts the other, problems can often arise. If you notice that your significant other is frequently exchanging text messages with others, you automatically might think that he or she is flirting or, worse, potentially even having an affair. This belief may compel you to read his or her text messages without permission, which is a betrayal of trust. In many cases, someone's text messaging is completely innocent. If you have any concerns, be honest about them with your loved one.
Don't Engage In Bad Habits
Flirting over text messages can be easy to fall into. You might not even go into a conversation with this expectation, but things may quickly move in that direction. Whether it's an old friend, a co-worker, or an ex-partner who is texting you, don't use the exchange as an opportunity to flirt. Before you write a message, think about whether you'd say it in person — and especially if you'd do so in the presence of your significant other. If the answer is no, skip the urge to respond in that manner.
Contact a company like The Center for Family Counseling, Inc. for more information and assistance.