Drug recovery programs come in many shapes and sizes, but there are two main types including inpatient and outpatient programs. These each come with their own benefits, so it can be hard for patients to choose which one will work best for them. Here's a few things you need to know, so you can make the right choice.
Inpatient Facilities: Your Home Away from Home
Drug abuse is complex, and addiction itself is considered to be a disease. With symptoms like uncontrollable drug cravings and dangerous withdrawal symptoms, it can be hard to stop taking drugs without intervention from a medical team. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, or SAMHSA, 2.4 million people seeking treatment turned to inpatient facilities, like hospitals and rehabilitation centers, for help breaking their addictions.
Inpatient facilities have various lengths of programs, from a 30-day program to one that lasts 180 days or longer. These programs have live-in facilities, which means patients join the facility as a resident for the entire term of the program.
In an inpatient facility, there are several major benefits:
- 24-hour medical care from trained doctors and nurses
- Residency away from home or social lives including drug use
- No access to any illicit or prescription drugs without approval
- Beneficial programs suited to the individual, including programs such as 12-step programs, art therapy, or alternative treatments
- The ability to extend treatment or to move on to a half-way house following treatment
Outpatient Clinics: Commuting to the Community That Can Help
Outpatient clinics are different than inpatient facilities, because patients commute for treatment on a regular basis. Initially, during the detoxification process, patients may need to enter the hospital or clinic for a few days for monitored withdrawal, depending on the drugs they've used. After this, patients are able to commute to the clinic from home; they live with their families and can take care of their children, go to work, or attend school.
Some of the benefits of outpatient services include
- Being able to commute a few times a week for treatment ranging from therapy to drug monitoring.
- Getting to live at home with a family support system in place.
- Not having to live with those whose addictions are psychological instead of those who have physical dependencies on a drug.
- Working with trained medical teams who can help eliminate the drug from the body and help the patient find alternative ways to manage stress or pain.
These are just some of the benefits of drug rehabilitation centers and the options you have. Choose the best option for you, and you'll see the results you want. For more information, visit sites like http://www.olalla.org.